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The girlie show

The latest show at A.O.C. Gallery is called “Divergent Metaphors.” I’m tempted to call it “The Girlie Show.” But that would be sexist. It is a show of fiber art by four recent graduates of the University of Washington: Julia Waldeck, Robin Sterling Brewer, Liz Frey, and Deborah Gregory. Overall, this


Stanley & Seafort’s and me

Oftentimes when looking for fun, you don’t have to go much farther than your own backyard. Lucky for me, my backyard-style good times include living within walking distance of one helluva place: Stanley & Seafort\'s. This restaurant means more to me than I’ve ever explained to anyone until right now. I was


Stanley & Seafort’s and me

Oftentimes when looking for fun, you don’t have to go much farther than your own backyard. Lucky for me, my backyard-style good times include living within walking distance of one helluva place: Stanley & Seafort\'s. This restaurant means more to me than I’ve ever explained to anyone until right now. I was


Kulture Lab gets crabby

You thought the Dead Artists were dead, didn’t you? They had you going with their “Death and Burial” spring show at Kulture Lab, making you think it was the end. Well it wasn’t, and a huge Kulture Lab-like party set for Saturday, July 21, starting at 6 p.m. and going all night


Kulture Lab gets crabby

You thought the Dead Artists were dead, didn’t you? They had you going with their “Death and Burial” spring show at Kulture Lab, making you think it was the end. Well it wasn’t, and a huge Kulture Lab-like party set for Saturday, July 21, starting at 6 p.m. and going all night


Christmas in July

Chestnuts roasting outdoors in the sun, Jack Frost nipping at the brew; Yuletide carols being slurred by the crowd, And folks dressed up like J. Crew. We read in Mel Torme’s autobiography how Mel and a buddy banged out “The Christmas Song” in 45 minutes one sweltering July afternoon. You have to admire that.


Christmas in July

Chestnuts roasting outdoors in the sun, Jack Frost nipping at the brew; Yuletide carols being slurred by the crowd, And folks dressed up like J. Crew. We read in Mel Torme’s autobiography how Mel and a buddy banged out “The Christmas Song” in 45 minutes one sweltering July afternoon. You have to admire that.

Through Nov. 16: "SPIN 1: American Vinyl Exhibition"

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Through Nov. 16: "SPIN 1: American Vinyl Exhibition"

Musical performances during openings at B2 Fine Art Gallery are nothing new, but the gallery is branching out into music in a big way with the first of a two-part series of art celebrating music. SPIN 1: American Vinyl Exhibition is the first of two shows with portraits of musicians

Through Oct. 31: "Al-Mutanabbi Street Starts Here"

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Through Oct. 31: "Al-Mutanabbi Street Starts Here"

On March 5, 2007, in the bloody midpoint of the Iraq War, a car bomb exploded on al-Mutanabbi Street in Baghdad, ripping through booksellers, cafes, and tea shops - including the Shahbandar coffeehouse, a meeting place for generations of Iraqi writers and intellectuals - killing 30 people and wounding more

Through Saturday, Oct. 5: 11th Annual Open Juried Art Show

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Through Saturday, Oct. 5: 11th Annual Open Juried Art Show

"I'm on a boat!" Any bets if that's an artwork title at the 11th Annual Open Juried Art Show at the Harbor History Museum, which opens Friday, Aug. 30? The museum nestles the water in downtown Gig Harbor. You can't walk the length of a plank without stumbling into a

Saturday, Aug. 31: Broadway Sizzle

We Recommend

Saturday, Aug. 31: Broadway Sizzle

If you're looking for an excellent date night or perhaps just an excuse to get out on the town, check out Broadway Sizzle, a communal table dinner in the heart of Tacoma on Broadway taking place Aug. 31. A fantastic event on its own, the dinner can

Saturday, Aug. 31-Sunday, Sept. 1: "Chicago"

We Recommend

Saturday, Aug. 31-Sunday, Sept. 1: "Chicago"

From the Lindbergs to O.J. Simpson, America loves a high-profile murder trial. And why not? What could be more theatrical than a gruesome case presented by suave attorneys with celebrity witnesses? Such a trial is satirized in the steamy award-winning musical Chicago, which kicks off its national tour Saturday in

Through Saturday, Sept. 7: Film Forward

We Recommend

Through Saturday, Sept. 7: Film Forward

Audiences from Bosnia to Columbia, from Maine to Puerto Rico, from China to Tacoma will grab a taste of independent film, as the Sundance Institute's Film Forward program rolls on for a fourth year. Film Forward will travel to eight locations - four in the United States, four overseas -


Third Thursday auto pilot

Visualize a city. Maybe a warehouse district turns into loft-style living spaces. Maybe a former house of ill-repute turns into a restaurant, and maybe a former auto dealership turns into a bookshop. Maybe? Look around Tacoma. King’s Books was, in fact, an auto dealership in 1909, but that particular product — the


Third Thursday auto pilot

Visualize a city. Maybe a warehouse district turns into loft-style living spaces. Maybe a former house of ill-repute turns into a restaurant, and maybe a former auto dealership turns into a bookshop. Maybe? Look around Tacoma. King’s Books was, in fact, an auto dealership in 1909, but that particular product — the


Is Harry heading down the wrong path?

Whatever happened to the delight and, if you’ll excuse the term, magic in the Harry Potter series?  As the characters grow up, the stories grow, too, leaving the innocence behind and confusing us with plots so labyrinthine that it takes a Ph.D. from Hogwarts to figure them out.  “Harry Potter


Is Harry heading down the wrong path?

Whatever happened to the delight and, if you’ll excuse the term, magic in the Harry Potter series?  As the characters grow up, the stories grow, too, leaving the innocence behind and confusing us with plots so labyrinthine that it takes a Ph.D. from Hogwarts to figure them out.  “Harry Potter


Cheadle is unbelievable

The story of Petey Greene was a movie waiting to be made.  Greene came out of prison to become, literally overnight, a popular and influential DJ.  He was on WOL, a Washington, D.C., station that was looking for a morning man to connect with its African-American audience and got more


Cheadle is unbelievable

The story of Petey Greene was a movie waiting to be made.  Greene came out of prison to become, literally overnight, a popular and influential DJ.  He was on WOL, a Washington, D.C., station that was looking for a morning man to connect with its African-American audience and got more


Captivity is gruesome

Captivity Elisha Cuthbert, so annoying as Jack’s bratty daughter in “24,” less irritating and less clothed in “The Girl Next Door,” stars this time as a famous model who is drugged, captured and tortured by a sick mind. Rated R for strong violence, torture, pervasive terror, grisly images, language and some

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