Carmen goes to the rodeo

Ellensburg Rodeo bender

By Carmen Jones on August 30, 2007

We all know that Natasha is quite a convincing girl.

Each week she writes about some nightlife establishment or trend that’s caught her attention, and the next thing you know, everybody’s doin’ it.

Well, as one of her best friends from high school, I’ll say that she’s certainly had an influence over yours truly, but there’s one thing in life that she hasn’t been able to convince me of until now.

What to do over Labor Day weekend.

Ever since she was 19, that little hussie has headed over to the Ellensburg Rodeo. Even during her days at Central Washington University and mine at Washington State University, she used to try to get me to go, but I wouldn’t budge.

I’m really more of an inner-city girl, and most of my Labor Day weekends have been spent catching the incredible lineups at Bumbershoot in Seattle.

Even though I’m bummed about missing the Fucking Eagles at this year’s Bumbershoot, now, after years upon years of friendship and coercing (and more Western attire filling my closet) Natasha has finally convinced me to join her for that hurkin rodeo.

Each year she comes back with such funny stories, which several of you may have followed like I did via last year’s Weekly Volcano Spew when she was writing in, hung over or still drunk, from her friend’s house.

Now that she’s literally roped me in, I’m actually excited to shine up my boots, throw on my cowboy hat and see what this rodeo has to offer.

Even better, she’s talked me into going from Wednesday, Aug. 29, until Tuesday, Sept. 4. Natasha has promised that I won’t regret it.

I keep on asking her where we’re gonna stay, but she continues to giggle, and tell me not to worry about it, “We’ll just crash with whoever stays out the latest.”

You have to understand that when Natasha was in college she was about as local as they get. Her then-boyfriend was an Ellensburg local, her roommate was a local, she helped run the local newspaper, and from the second she turned 21, Natasha was a bartender in Eburg.

And even against advice from me, her family and all of our other friends, Natasha loved Ellensburg so much that she actually tried to stay there after graduation; but fortunately, she realized that no one over there could pay her what her mind was worth, and she came back to this side of the mountains — where she’s from and where she belongs!

However, I’ve always thought that her experiences in Eburg have led to her high level of satisfaction with Tacoma. In her words, “both cities are easy to conquer,” and she can’t decide if she loves the city or the country more, so, yep, she’s a little of both.

Regardless, I’m really looking forward to stepping into this cowgirl world of hers and to finally meet the people she’s talked about for so long who are legends as far as I’m concerned.

Of course, she’s warned me that rodeo virgins have to be careful because not all of ’em can last or survive. To help me get ready, Natasha has been putting me through some drinking exercises to help build up my tolerance.

I was questioning whether this was necessary until she told me that one of her friends last year was puking foam outside of some local tavern by noon. Natasha has also explained in no uncertain terms that there’s a strict “No Rules” policy in Ellensburg that weekend, and just about anything goes. We’ll see how well I hold up during such delightfully dangerous circumstances.

The weather over there is calling for 80 and 90 degrees, which means I’ll be packing a couple of my best Western dresses to stay cool. As the world’s biggest flirt, I can’t wait to rock those dresses and my cowboy boots to find a few lonely cowboys and dirty up their minds.

As you’re reading these final words over in the South Sound, Natasha and I will already be knee deep in the Ellensburg Rodeo.

Be sure to read next week’s column for a snapshot of the stories and the fun I know we’ll have.


[Ellensburg Rodeo Fairgrounds, Aug. 31-Sept. 3, $15-$23 a day, Main and West Sixth, Ellensburg, 800.637.2444]