School super squabble

Concerned People want Clover Park school officials to search for a new superintendent.

By John Herbert on May 8, 2008

Clover Park school district officials recently celebrated the designation of new superintendent, Debbie LeBeau, recently chosen to replace Dr. Al Cohen, who served as interim superintendent during the past school year.

But not everyone is celebrating.

Just days after district officials trumpeted their decision, a group of concerned teachers, parents of students and local activists gathered at the Lakewood fire station on Washington Boulevard to vent about the designation. With clear frustration — one woman was nearly in tears — the group of nearly two dozen people collectively denounced the decision. Their reasons were many, but common contentions painted a picture of a rogue school board that made a snap decision to appoint what the group considered a less than appealing candidate.

“I don’t think this is a positive move,” says community volunteer and veteran social worker Carol Weir. “I’m at the point that I would not recommend that people move here.”

Weir’s outrage is rooted in what she contends to be a perpetually deteriorating education system, where students are undisciplined, education is increasingly poor, and graduation rates are about half of what they were 10 years ago. Everyone in attendance echoed Weir’s concern. Several members of the group say they have pulled their children out of Clover Park schools.

“I remember when Clover Park was the number one district in the state,” says community volunteer and retired Tacoma educator JoEthel Smith. “I hate to think where we are now.”

Weir and other members of the group calling itself Concerned People for Clover Park contend that what the district needs is fresh blood and a bold new perspective. For this group at least, Lebeau represents what they predict will be more of the same.

Most recently, Lebeau served as deputy superintendent, and is an 11-year veteran of the Lakewood-area school district. On May 1, Board officials vote 5-0 — a unanimous decision — to appoint Lebeau following an extensive national search. After naming LeBeau as the superintendent designee, the board president and vice president will meet with LeBeau and the district’s legal counsel to negotiate an appropriate contract. LeBeau is expected to begin her duties as superintendent July 1. LeBeau came to Clover Park School District in 1996 as the director of special education. During her 11 years with the district, she has also served as the director of student services, the administrator for student services, administrator for student learning and assistant superintendent.

“We are looking forward to partnering with Mrs. LeBeau to move our schools ahead,” says Marty Schafer, school board vice president and superintendent search chairperson, in a public announcement. “Our students, community and staff will benefit from her knowledge and experience in the district. We are confident that she will provide significant results.”

Members of the community group contend that public processes, which included an $18,000 national search conducted by consultants McPherson & Jacobson, were little more than a symbolic effort. What is more concerning, however, is several member’s contention that the current administration’s alleged lack of discipline, communication, and follow-through will only continue with another of its members in charge.

Clover Park administrators, meanwhile, have contended publicly that Concerned People members represent only a small percentage of parents within the district. One member of CPCP balked at contentions that the group was concerned only about high achievers and advanced placement students. When asked how many in the group were parents of advanced placement students, about a third of the group showed hands. Clover Park officials have been quoted as saying that Lebeau is up to the challenges facing the district, and that many of the district’s programs are working.