Sustain frame

Tacoma will add an Office of Sustainability

By Matt Driscoll on October 23, 2008

While there are differing perspectives about what got us here, be it human over-consumption and inaction, or maybe even an act of God signaling the end of days — just ask Sarah Palin — nearly everyone seems to agree at this point. Climate change, sustainable living and the environment are major issues, and the time has come to quash partisan name calling and finger pointing in favor of real action.

On a national level, climate change, creating “green jobs” and finally doing something to save the world we’ve taken for granted for so long have been major talking points for both presidential candidates. On the local level, even the City of Tacoma is getting in on the action.

Tuesday, Oct. 21, the Tacoma City Council voted unanimously to create the Office of Sustainability — which will work with City Manager Eric Anderson to make sure Tacoma’s environmental goals are being met and citywide efforts are being coordinated. It’s a vote that goes along with advice from Tacoma’s Green Ribbon Task Force, which in early July recommended the City Council create just such an office. In addition, an 11 member Sustainable Tacoma Commission will be assembled — likely made up of some of the same folks that helped to make up the Green Ribbon Task Force — and that commission will report back and work hand-in-hand with both the City Council and the Office of Sustainability.  

In all, it’s an important step designed to make sure Tacoma has its head on straight when dealing with the pressing and sometimes overwhelming environmental issues that will be such a huge part of all of our lives for years to come.

Tacoma City Council member Jake Fey, who has been a member of the Public Utility Board and has a history of working hard on environmental issues, was one of the most adamant supporters of the decision to create Tacoma’s Office of Sustainability.

“I think, intuitively, we knew there was a need for (the Office of Sustainability),” says Fay of the Council’s unanimous vote Tuesday. “We needed to find the best way to coordinate and focus our efforts.”

According to Fey, Tacoma is facing a multitude of environmental challenges in the years to come — but they’re challenges he believes our city will be better able to navigate with help from the newly christened Office of Sustainability. How Tacoma accommodates growth, transportation issues, land use, solid waste and recycling, building efficiency and alternative energy sources are all areas Fey says rank high on Tacoma’s list of environmental priorities.

“There’s a need for a worldwide effort,” says Fey of the environmental challenges both Tacoma and all of humanity face. “We have to pick up and do our fair share.  Much of the work we’re doing is consistent with where we’re heading as a community.”

“Fundamentally, it’s good management,” says Fey of the decision to create the Office of Sustainability. “Using our energy wisely and doing things efficiently is important. We want to be smart about this and focus our efforts.”