The Fabulous Wailers

They help open Stonegate Pizza

By Matt Driscoll on September 23, 2009

Much of the time, the phone calls I get here at Weekly Volcano World Headquarters are ones to avoid. It usually means I’ve written something that pissed someone off, or it’s just Robert “the Traveller” Hill calling to fill me in on his latest bizarre escapade. However, sometimes the phone calls are exciting, like the one I got from Kent Morrill of The Fabulous Wailers this week. According to Morrill, Stonegate Pizza — a new spot on South Tacoma way that we’ve been hearing rumblings about for some time — will officially open on Saturday, Sept. 26. And guess who’s going to be there? That’s right. Morrill and his band will be in the house to help kick things off right, debuting a new Fabulous Wailers album in the process, Rooster Rock — which will be officially released on the very same day. Of the new record, Morrill explains that Rooster Rock is a tribute of sorts to all the people who’ve influenced the Fabulous Wailers over the years, from Little Richard to Fats Domino. Snug.

[Stonegate Pizza, Saturday, Sept. 26, 9 p.m., $15, 5421 S. Tacoma Way, Tacoma, 253.473.2255]