The Gears, The D.I.s

Rockin at Ground Zero, Rare Cuts

By Forest Longwood on October 15, 2009

Are you familiar with HepCat Records?  I was not, until three weeks ago when a HepCat double CD release came into my possession.  The first CD of the set was The Gears' Rockin at Ground Zero.  In typical fashion, I threw it into my CD player and began reading the liner notes.  

The notes are scarce, but the rock is undoubtedly present!  I learn that The Gears were an L.A. band from 1979 that kicked ass!  Seriously, I salivate while listening to this band that combines the energy and attitude of the Germs with the catchiness of the Ramones addressing timeless issues in such tunes as “I Smoke Dope,” “Teenage Brain,” and “Wasting Time”.  

The Gears broke up in 1980. In 1982, singer Axxel G. Reese and drummer Dave Drive went on to form The D.I.s whose release Rare Cuts completes the two CD set.  Where The Gears kicked my ass, The D.I.s take things a step further and knock me on my ass!  The D.I.s mix the energy and attitude of punk with killer simple surf influenced rockabilly riffs and blues harp.  The slight blues influence present in The Gears is developed and threaded into The D.I.s with subtlety and perfection.  

I highly suggest picking up three six-packs of Rainier, calling your favorite drinking buddy and driving into the night with Rockin at Ground Zero and Rare Cuts blaring through your speakers on your ride to oblivion.  This is a must have for all rockers!

Forest Longwood is the Loud Rock director at KUPS 90.1FM in Tacoma.