TIKI LOGIC: all-ages shows

Hell's Kitchen's last one, Viaduct still rolling along

By Bobble Tiki on November 26, 2009

It’s a new week, which means it’s time for a new installment of Bobble Tiki’s South Sound music news and notes column. Without further ado, let’s get rolling…

Like most people — especially Seattle Seahawks — sometimes Bobble Tiki drops the ball. Sometimes he even drops the ball when it’s fourth down, and the game is on the line — so to speak, anyway. In truth, Bobble Tiki hasn’t done anything remotely athletic in at least seven years, but that’s not the point of all this.

The point is this: There’s an awesome all-ages show coming up at Hell’s Kitchen tonight — the final all ages show in the history of Hell’s Kitchen — and Bobble Tiki forgot to write about it last week. What a boob.

Luckily, the Weekly Volcano came out a day early this week so everyone could sit at home on Thursday and drink gravy straight from the boat — meaning Bobble Tiki had one final chance — right here, right now — to get it right.

Which is what he’s doing. Be sure to check out Girl Trouble along with the Gypsies, Johnny Chzbrgr, Apache Chief and Rex Hex tonight at Hell’s Kitchen, from 6-9 p.m. As mentioned, it’s the last all-ages show in the history of Hell’s Kitchen — and it’s also a kick-ass bill.

Moving on to scarier pastures, it’s been a long time since Bobble Tiki has written anything about The Viaduct — Tacoma’s predominantly hardcore metal, straight edge all-ages venue on South Tacoma Way.

Well, Bobble Tiki just received word that Tacoma’s Church of Hate will be setting up the fake blood and face paint for a show at The Viaduct on Friday, Dec. 4. Saw Ghostz, Underride and From Murder to Genocide are also on the bill. If you’re a youngster with a penchant for gore and detuned guitars, this is your show.

With Hell’s Kitchen ceasing all-ages shows, perhaps Tacoma’s heavy metal youth would be wise to turn their attention toward the Viaduct — if they haven’t already. The all ages, all the time venue definitely knows how to throw down the rock.