Article Archives (1917) Currently Viewing: 1861 - 1880 of 1917

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Tacoma's Most Sexy Male Bartender: Dino Shivers


Tacoma's Most Sexy Male Bartender: Dino Shivers

SEXY BIO My name is Dean Shivers but I go by Dino.  I was born a poor white child with no rhythm.  With long and difficult study I am now an amateur saxophonist in a swing orchestra. To pay the bills I tend bar at the Crown Bar. I'm a Cali

Tacoma's Most Sexy Female Bartender: Tricia Irwin


Tacoma's Most Sexy Female Bartender: Tricia Irwin

SEXY BIO (Submitted by Tricia and written by her friend Chuck Dula) Tricia Irwin's unbearably sexy body was forged in the fiery furnaces of Mauna Loa, the largest active volcano in the world. Growing up, Tricia was sexier than you. At the age of 15, she made her first appearance on the

Tacoma's Most Sexy Server: Chelsea O'Sullivan


Tacoma's Most Sexy Server: Chelsea O'Sullivan

SEXY BIO I'm 24-years-old and I grew up in Palm Springs, California and Boise, Idaho. I've spent the last five or so years in Tacoma and surrounding areas. When I'm not working at Crown Bar I'm usually painting, listening to music, taking long strolls down the shore and over analyzing life. RELATIONSHIP

Tacoma's Most Sexy Chef: Gordon Naccarato


Tacoma's Most Sexy Chef: Gordon Naccarato

SEXY BIO First and foremost, I am a father of a beautiful daughter, Mariel, who is a talent agent living with her husband, Michael, in Los Angeles. I'm a Tacoma boy, a Stadium High, and U of W grad; went to law school in LA; got into the restaurant biz 31

Tacoma's Most Sexy Vet Tech: Nicole Tribble


Tacoma's Most Sexy Vet Tech: Nicole Tribble

SEXY BIO I'm 27-years-old and have lived in the Tacoma area pretty much my entire life. I live in the Stadium District with my wonderful boyfriend, Darren, and my pup, Emma. I have been working at Jones Animal Hospital as a technician for the past six and a half years and I love

Tacoma's Most Sexy Receptionist: Karen Rivera


Tacoma's Most Sexy Receptionist: Karen Rivera

SEXY BIO A couple of years ago I quit my job, "night keeper of the moon." I recently started volunteering to look at the sun for fun. That's super exciting! I love music and dancing in my apartment, and love animals and reading horoscopes. For money I work at the best credit union Tacoma

Tacoma's Most Sexy Hair Stylist: Jana Lencioni


Tacoma's Most Sexy Hair Stylist: Jana Lencioni

SEXY BIO I own and rock out some hair at Supernova Hair and Tattoo.    RELATIONSHIP WITH TACOMA I kind of love it. DEFINITION OF SEXY Someone who's not afraid of showing who they really are - no matter how weird!!  THE HONOR, THE FUTURE At first, I was confused and mortified. Sexy is not a word I'd

Tacoma's Most Sexy Hair stylist: Anna Ott


Tacoma's Most Sexy Hair stylist: Anna Ott

SEXY BIO A year and a half ago, I was fortunate enough to open my very own salon, which I named The Tacoma Parlor. It's where I get my sexy on, and is built as an addition to our home on South 15th Street and Yakima.  Although the commute is pretty


Urban Spelunker: McKinley Hill in Tacoma


Urban Spelunker: McKinley Hill in Tacoma

Tacoma's Eastside consists of a few major lifelines connecting sleepy residential areas with the downtown region with easy access to freeways and main strips. Upon McKinley Hill, you'll discover a matrimony of charming residential and charming commercial destinations. Aside from locally owned operations and homes, McKinley Hill boasts some of

Trumpeter returns home


Trumpeter returns home

Growing up with a mother in the Air Force, Airman First Class Anthoney Williams knew what he was getting into when he decided to enlist after graduating from high school. As for his experience in Tops in Blue, the Air Force's all-active duty entertainment showcase? That's an entirely different story. "It's been

JBLM spouses kick off training for cancer walk


JBLM spouses kick off training for cancer walk

Heather Murray was devastated after she had to pull out of last year's Susan G. Komen 3-Day for the Cure walk without completing the 60-mile trek through Seattle. Plantar fasciitis - an irritation and swelling of the thick tissue on the bottom of the foot - sidelined the 37-year-old Murray after

FYI: Cosmetic surgery


FYI: Cosmetic surgery

Have you heard the one about military medical centers offering free cosmetic surgeries to keep the surgeons in practice for wounded warriors? If so, you are not alone. In 2004, several national publications published articles on the topic.  New Yorker Magazine reported: "Anyone wearing a uniform is eligible," Dr. Bob Lyons, the

Retired officers wives’ group keeps spouses connected


Retired officers wives’ group keeps spouses connected

The Associated Retired Officers Wives group, or AROWS, claims to provide its members with ‘pleasant associations', but the best word to describe what it provides is camaraderie. "It is about our sisterhood," said past president Carolyn Guppy. "Sometimes, especially when living overseas or during deployments, all you have is the other

Deployment night


Deployment night

On a recent evening, dozens of people filed in and out of Beachwood Elementary School. In the school gymnasium, Sgt. Jonathan Dao, a soldier assigned to the 555th Engineer Brigade, attempted to hula hoop with his son, Anthony, 7, and his daughter, Alana, 23 months. Although he fared better with a jump

Major Michael Mai is hammering it home


Major Michael Mai is hammering it home

A 35-pound ball rests on the end of a foot and a half long chain that is attached to a large equilateral triangular handle. It looks heavy.  In fact, it is. But in the hands of Maj. Michael Mai - who stands 6'4" tall and weighs in at 255 pounds - the

Remembering Ray

News Articles

Remembering Ray

Family, friends and soldiers from the Fort Lewis community honored Sgt. Adam James Ray, Charlie Company, 4th Battalion, 23rd Infantry Regiment, 5th Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division, during a memorial service held yesterday afternoon. "He loved them and he loved serving with them," his mother said of her son's service with


A Cook’s Tour through Tacoma

To be brutally honest, Bobble Tiki was happy back in the days when he knew the names of the restaurants, not the chefs. There’s no shame in a hard-working hash slinger staying at the stove and off the Food Network. But instead of humble cooks, Bobble Tiki is confronted with


I love me a Quickie

As your personal Tacoma cruise director, in a non-Julie McCoy sort of way, I’m required to draw your attention to the best lunch spot in this city because after a full night of partying, a girl’s gotta eat. However, the place that I’m about to bring you to is so cool


The Vanity Show

Ah, The Vanity Show. What chutzpah! Art on Center owners C.J. Swanson and David N. Goldberg are showing their own paintings to mark the gallery’s second anniversary. This exhibition is an update on Art on Center’s premiere show two years ago, which is especially appropriate since this is slated to

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