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Hell's Kitchen rages on


Hell's Kitchen rages on

Look, guys, change is always difficult. As I've mentioned before, metalheads are just about the most loyal bunch of music fans around, and no venue has catered to the tastes of Tacoma metalheads - in a very long time, at least - quite to the level of the storied Hell's

Fast food and aggression


Fast food and aggression

In every issue of this fine rag my hack team of wannabe journalists and I tackle some of the most laughable criminal acts that have recently happened in our area. Then - if we're doing our job - we write about those crimes in a way that makes you chuckle,

CRITICS' PICKS: Jettycats, SALT Records Showcase, The Legend of Bigfoot, Christmas Island


CRITICS' PICKS: Jettycats, SALT Records Showcase, The Legend of Bigfoot, Christmas Island

JETTYCATS >>> Friday, Aug. 5 The Jettycats are nothing more or less than a remarkably pure embodiment of rock ‘n' roll spirit. The band's music is absurdly propulsive, and they sound positively thrilled to be making it. That this kind of enthusiasm is infectious on record is something, and it speaks volumes

Opening a SMART door

Military Life

Opening a SMART door

Photo: From left, Joseph Sellers, Jr.; Richard Quintana, HSC, 7th Infantry Division; Trey Freitag, U.S. Navy; William Castillo, U.S. Army; Juan C. Perez, U.S. Army; Joshua Buckley, U.S. Army; Barry Barker, U.S. Army; Ethan Eastling, U.S. Air Force; Ryan Arce, U.S. Army; Joseph Lansdell, president, SMACNA National. Photo credit: International

Sunday, Aug. 7: Christmas Island

We Recommend

Sunday, Aug. 7: Christmas Island

There's a pleasing classicism at work in the music of Christmas Island that calls to mind the indie rock that emerged from New Zealand in the '80s. I think Christmas Island has an intimate familiarity with the artists on Flying Nun Records, like the Chills and Tall Dwarf. Hooks are

Saturday, Aug. 6: The Legend of Bigfoot

We Recommend

Saturday, Aug. 6: The Legend of Bigfoot

Once dormant, the Legend of Bigfoot has charged back to life of late - doling out psych-heavy alt rock to a Tacoma fan base well-versed in (and appreciative of) such sonic explorations. The band's stormed back to prominence last month after a lengthy hiatus, and showing no signs of letting

Friday, Aug. 5: Jettycats

We Recommend

Friday, Aug. 5: Jettycats

The Jettycats are nothing more or less than a remarkably pure embodiment of rock 'n' roll spirit. The Band's music is absurdly propulsive, and they sound positively thrilled to be making it. That this kind of enthusiasm is infectious on record is something, and it speaks volumes about how raucous

Through Sept. 5: Bill Colby, Jan Karroll, Andrea Erickson

We Recommend

Through Sept. 5: Bill Colby, Jan Karroll, Andrea Erickson

Featured at Flow through August is printmaker Bill Colby. The show also features a collection of wearable artwork by Jan Karroll, including handcrafted pins and necklaces that can be displayed as art in their own display frames or worn as unique jewelry. And in the back room there is a

Saturday, Aug. 6: University Place Festival

We Recommend

Saturday, Aug. 6: University Place Festival

There's more to University Place than a fancy-ass golf course and a few traffic circles. According to University Place's own website, the city boasts more than 31,500 "active residents." While we're not exactly sure what definition of "active" that statement intends, what is safe to assume is a whole bunch

Saturday, Aug. 6: Woofstock

We Recommend

Saturday, Aug. 6: Woofstock

Last year we told you not to go to Woofstock with your kids. We said you'd leave with a puppy. Or a kitty. Or a rabbit. But did you listen? Of course not. You're a sucker - perhaps just the kind of person Woofstock is designed for. Every year the

Through Wednesday, Aug. 31: "Words"

We Recommend

Through Wednesday, Aug. 31: "Words"

We're happy to hear Spaceworks Tacoma and the Tacoma Arts Commission's Tacoma Artists Initiative Program will once again facilitate the placement of hundreds of enlarged refrigerator-magnet-like letters in Tollefson Plaza this summer. You'll have the entire month of August to enjoy the installation, known this year simply as Words. Spell

Friday, Aug. 5: History of Grunge

We Recommend

Friday, Aug. 5: History of Grunge

Grunge is part of history now. This explains the Experience Music Project's current exhibit, Nirvana: Taking Punk to the Masses - which includes artifacts and videos from the era and movement. Along with the EMP exhibit comes a visual history book, Taking Punk to the Masses: From Nowhere to Nevermind.

Oly Foods Court

Food Matters

Oly Foods Court

The new mobile food court at the corner of State Avenue and Adams Street in Olympia opened Tuesday, consisting of four mobile food trucks representing four different businesses: Kell's Kitchen, Barb's BBQ, Ricardo's Wood Fire Pizza Express and The Firehouse Grill's Extreme Burgers. Working under the joint venture Oly Foods,

Tuesdays: $1 PBRs

Nightlife It List

Tuesdays: $1 PBRs

We have news: Goldfish Tavern on Pearl Street offers $1 PBR every Tuesday. That's right, every Tuesday citizens wake out of their mid-week funk to the alluring call of $1 oat sodas. Then - and only then - the Goldfish ceases to exist as an average, middle-of-the-week pub and becomes

Fridays-Saturdays: Tied down

Nightlife It List

Fridays-Saturdays: Tied down

Ties aren't meant to be worn every day. Graduations, weddings, funerals and the occasional job interview - that's about it. But we here at the Weekly Volcano recommend wearing a tie to downtown Tacoma's Encore Boutique Nightclub. Why? you ask. Because one must dress to impress, that's why. And nothing

Work of Honor


Work of Honor

On Oct. 4, Work of Honor will host a Veteran & Military Spouse Network/Hiring Event at the Dystopian State Brewing Company in Tacoma. The event will allow veterans, military spouses and those transitioning from the military to meet and network in a relaxed environment with business professionals and company representatives

Fridays-Saturdays: So Hollywood

Nightlife It List

Fridays-Saturdays: So Hollywood

The new 1230 Room in Olympia (former Otto's Bakery space) definitely warrants a full-size Meat Market article, but if we wait another week or two, you might miss out on all the action. By action we mean lounge chairs, mood lighting and a hip-hop soundtrack. We mean security guards with

The Renewable Cycle


The Renewable Cycle

One of the more immediately appreciable aspects about the Tacoma School of the Arts is the constantly renewable source of music the school supplies. Tight-knit groups of musicians are bred and make an impact on the local music scene before moving away or sticking around and becoming young veterans of

Friday, Aug. 5: SALT Records Showcase

We Recommend

Friday, Aug. 5: SALT Records Showcase

SALT Records has a similar model as Dear Records, even going so far as to feature some Dear Records alums on their compilations, such as Paul Dally, Dylan Treleven and I Low. The songs are still mostly homespun and lo-fi, which was often a staple of Dear Records. But SALT

Military Life

A single experience in Olympia

Being single isn't always a bad thing. Am I right? A night out on the town is usually cheaper, more spontaneous and definitely more unpredictable when you're flying solo. So why shouldn't we embrace the untethered lifestyle when the opportunity presents itself -- especially when nearby haunts like Olympia offer

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