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Holiday show a mixed bag at Childhood's End


Holiday show a mixed bag at Childhood's End

Art galleries often trot out old favorites and sure-sellers for the holiday season. Childhood's End Gallery has a tendency to do that year-round. Fortunately, many of their favorites and best-sellers are also good art. But not always their best. They've practically recycled the entirety of their recent Don Tiller show, which

Rebellious kids put on a show


Rebellious kids put on a show

The Best Christmas Pageant Ever by Barbara Robinson has been around since the early 1970s and has been performed by countless elementary, middle, and high schools, church groups and community theaters. The first stage production was by the Seattle Children's Theatre in 1982 and a TV version starring Loretta Swit

Pierce County Library's "Stop Being Scrooge" campaign


Pierce County Library's "Stop Being Scrooge" campaign

There's a battle going. It's a battle that may or may not touch your life, but one that will help to shape the future of digital rights. It's a battle between many top publishers and libraries. You can join this battle. You can make your voice heard. Pierce County Library's

Unwrapping Tacoma Art Museum


Unwrapping Tacoma Art Museum

Above the busy port waters of Tacoma, just between the train tracks and the commotion of Pacific Avenue, a gem rises from the concrete, its two-story glass entrance beckoning sleekly at an inviting angle, the Tacoma Art Museum.  Hidden within that gem is a magical place, a place where appearances can

Where to buy a good cookie


Where to buy a good cookie

Damn it's cold! It's time for layers of scarves, sweaters and coats and perhaps a dash of the long johns under the jeans for good measure. Actually, the double layering is a nifty idea. Who cares if you resemble the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man; holiday pounds could

Dear Whipped Pumpkin Pie Martini

Scene It

Dear Whipped Pumpkin Pie Martini

Dear Whipped Pumpkin Pie Martini, I need you Whipped Pumpkin Pie Martini. I need everything you represent. I need your big pumpkin taste and cinnamon aroma. I almost want to inject you into my thigh I need you so bad. You see I don't have the Christmas spirit this year. Yes I

MUSIC CRITICS' PICKS: Plateau, McTuff, Hot Roddin' Romeos, The Brotherhood Lounge


MUSIC CRITICS' PICKS: Plateau, McTuff, Hot Roddin' Romeos, The Brotherhood Lounge

>>> Friday, Dec. 21 PLATEAU As a music writer, it becomes easy to fall into a pattern of being drawn to difficult or bizarre music. Everything else has a tendency to blend together, which often results in me choosing to write about some 40-piece vibraphone collective or an Ecuadorian goth duo that

Local music scene stocking stuffers


Local music scene stocking stuffers

Even though they have brains that work in creative overdrive, capable of producing beats, licks and lyrics you and I couldn't hold a candle to, musicians are just like us. Musicians still have laundry to do, they still have bills to pay and they still have holiday wishes.  From used panties,



For the love of the Skoogs


For the love of the Skoogs

The news has been depressing across the nation. There's also been a lot of talk about helpers, hope and community togetherness. In Tacoma exists a bittersweet story of heartache and struggle, and a strong community coming together for support. Sunday afternoon at The Swiss, seven bands come together at a benefit show

WHAT'S THE WORD?: Q&A with Jusz Nyce


WHAT'S THE WORD?: Q&A with Jusz Nyce

A month ago I mentioned Bruce Leroy's Leroy and Boombox Massacre and Awall A.K.A. 2-Piece's Boomman and Mobbin as two possible local albums of the year. Another huge possible contender for that title could also be Leezy Soprano's, All Due Respect. I am throwing one more album in the hat


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