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Visual Edge: 'Paint, Steel Porcelain'


Visual Edge: 'Paint, Steel Porcelain'

It makes my heart happy to see that Laura Hanan has re-opened Brick & Mortar Gallery. The once funky little gallery on Pacific at 9th street is now elegant and welcoming and in business again after a hiatus of six years with a selection of Hanan's paintings plus porcelain wall

Top ten pizzas


Top ten pizzas

Everyone has one of those days when they just can't find the energy to make dinner at home. And an easy go-to always comes around to pizza ... it's fast, it's convenient, and it always hits the spot. However, there is no excuse for South Sounders to settle for cardboard

Flying high

Military Life

Flying high

Are you skilled in flying and have the desire to do more for this nation?  Do you already have a personal plane that could be used to defend this country or even help those devastated with disasters such as last year's Oso Landslide? Maybe you just have a love for

Soldier lifts 525 pounds

Military Life

Soldier lifts 525 pounds

It's as though Jacob Summers has reinvented himself. Three years ago, Summers was as skinny as a flag pole. He weighed 155 pounds when he joined the Army in 2011. Then, as a way of releasing stress, he started lifting weights. Now he's a solid 200 pounds, is capable of deadlifting 525

JBLM’s Freedom Park  site for summer

Military Life

JBLM’s Freedom Park site for summer

JBLM's Freedom Park will give families at Joint Base Lewis McChord a focal point this summer, and be the spot for a couple summer parties. "It offers a nice open space community park for families of all ages," said Colin Brooks, Community Activities Specialist JBLM MWR. The park has been open for

Zombie Epidemic 5k this month in Lakewood

News Front

Zombie Epidemic 5k this month in Lakewood

It's official: the zombies are coming. Fortunately, these zombies don't want to eat your brains. They just want to chase you through Fort Steilacoom Park. Your job is to evade and escape. On June 27, the Capt. Meriwether Lewis Chapter of the Association of the U.S. Army (AUSA) is sponsoring its Zombie

JBLM family heads up special needs effort

Military Life

JBLM family heads up special needs effort

The Steilacoom Historical School District made history last Friday. On the sun-drenched Blair Taylor Athletic Field at Steilacoom High School, more than 120 differently abled children from the district's schools participated in the first Day of Champions' track and field event. "We're so proud to be doing this," exclaimed Kathi Weight, the

Northwest Harley-Davidson wins American Legion Military Employer Award

News Front

Northwest Harley-Davidson wins American Legion Military Employer Award

Lacey-based motorcycle dealership Northwest Harley-Davidson will be awarded the American Legion's Employer of Veterans Award for Washington State. Company co-owner Joe Deck will receive the plaque on behalf of Northwest Harley in Spokane during the American Legion Department of Washington's annual convention on July 17. The dealership is also in the

"Agamemnon" scores big


"Agamemnon" scores big

Watching Agamemnon at Dukesbay Theater opening night was a totally immersive theatrical experience. This is the way theater was in the beginning when many theatrical traditions still in common use were first invented, and it plays as well in 21st century Tacoma as it must have in Greece 2,400 years

Wide-eyed wonder


Wide-eyed wonder

Years ago, when I was making my first little excursions into the world of the deeply nerdy and wonderfully heartfelt world of artists like They Might Be Giants, Daniel Johnston, and Jonathan Richman, my dad would poke fun at me by pointing out the frivolity and randomness of their song

Video gaming and  basketball come to JBLM

News Front

Video gaming and basketball come to JBLM

On June 11 and 12, active-duty servicemembers at Joint Base Lewis-McChord will be treated to a unique experience made possible by the NBA, PlayStation and USO Northwest. JBLM will be the seventh military base visited this year by Hoops for Troops, a two-day program that offers opportunities for military servicemembers to


"Hollow" has no holes

Lakewood Playhouse has hit a long ball with its first time at bat this season. The community theater’s staging of Agatha Chirstie’s “The Hollow” simply was entertaining from first line to curtain call. I have to admit that I wasn’t particularly looking forward to seeing the show since I had seen


What's playing in the theaters

THE 11TH HOUR: A dire warning about the demise of planet Earth, presented in a deadening format of talking heads and what often looks like stock nature footage.  The doc has a lot of valuable information, but fails to convey it in an effective, involving way.  Rent Al Gore’s “An


Billy Bob pulls no punches

Billy Bob Thornton is in full “Bad Santa” mode in “Mr. Woodcock,” an uneasy comedy about an adult who returns home to discover his mother is planning to marry the gym teacher who made his high school days a living hell. The thing about Thornton is, he makes no compromises


The Brave One is spellbinding

The Brave One How many films have there been about victims of violence who turn into avengers? Charles Bronson made five. Kevin Bacon’s “Death Sentence” was released two weeks ago. How are we supposed to respond to them? When Bronson’s kill count got above 50, why didn’t the scales of justice


It's good to be Jazzbones

Despite the image Bobble Tiki has created for himself with his writing in the Weekly Volcano and despite the rather impressive number of friends Bobble Tiki has wracked up on Myspace, believe it or not Bobble Tiki isn’t always a social butterfly. Sometimes when Bobble Tiki’s weekend rolls around, all


Wow and Flutter

Far too much of the time in life having fun gets put on a back burner in favor of “more important” things — like money, jobs, responsibilities, and even rigid ideals. Screw that noise. No matter how noble your cause, if you’re not having fun in this world, what’s the point? Call


The Mayn Thing

While Rich Wetzel’s third release The Mayn Thing strengthens the trumpeter’s links with the big band legacies of Stan Kenton, Woody Herman and Don Ellis, it declares in no uncertain terms that his “mayn” man is still the legendary screech king, Maynard Ferguson. Which means plenty of brass-plated pyrotechnics. It


On par with the Boss

Many moons ago, when I still worked the door at Jazzbones and Jason MacKinnon still owned the joint, the two of us got into a good natured argument. Or rather, MacKinnon got into a good natured argument with me, and I found myself along for the ride. If you know


Junkyard Jane's, Ockham's Razor and more

Thursday, Sept. 13 SWAMPABILLY junkyard jane As the saying goes, “Time flies when you’re having fun,” and for Junkyard Jane it’s been a barrel of monkeys for the past 10 years as Billy Stoops and Leanne Trevalyan have been hosts to a non-stop party.   Junkyard Jane was formed in 1997out of stragglers

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