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Secure your financial future

Military Life

Secure your financial future

The Department of Veterans Affairs is organizing a three-day event in the Puget Sound area to help veterans, transitioning servicemembers, and their loved ones secure economic well-being and find continued success in civilian life. RallyPoint will be joining the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to put on the Economic Investment Initiative: Puget Sound 2019

Have a good idea for the Army?

News Front

Have a good idea for the Army?

Think you have a great idea that will revolutionize Army readiness and resilience? The Army wants to boost your chance at making it happen. Starting in June, the Army implemented a formal process to capture and evaluate grassroots, personal readiness and resilience initiatives, before considering the idea for potential Army-wide use. The

Cheaper moves for spouses

Military Life

Cheaper moves for spouses

Military spouses with careers that require a professional license or certification can now get help covering the costs of transferring those credentials when they experience a permanent-change-of-station move with their servicemember spouse. The 2018 National Defense Authorization Act allows each service branch to reimburse spouses up to $500 for relicensure and

Madigan pharmacy wait time drops

News Front

Madigan pharmacy wait time drops

Pharmacy wait times decreased by more than an hour at Madigan Army Medical Center thanks to extended pharmacy hours, revised staffing and greater expertise in the new electronic health record. Just a year ago, the average pharmacy wait time was between 90 and 120 minutes; now, the average is 20 to

A constant for 20 years

News Front

A constant for 20 years

Colonel Scovill Currin believes that Team McChord's best service is the standard for all others to follow. "Team McChord has set the standard since the opening day," the commander of the 62nd Airlift Wing said last Friday morning as he stood on the port side of the Spirit of McChord, the


Boot Call

They were her grandmother’s. She bought them during a trip to Guyana. It seemed like all of my favorite wintertime boots belonged to someone else and were pretty much unattainable. Of course that was before I went on my annual shopping excursion in search of the perfect pair of fashionable


Keepin' up with the Jones'

My boss, Pappi Swarner, is on vacation this week. After the short coronation ceremony where I was dubbed acting editor, he asked me to write a story about Jones Family Fortune. He handed me a press release, gave me a broad smile, a sincere thanks, and then turned on a


The good uncomfortable

So, is that whole Club Impact Brick City controversy still going on? You know the one with the unruly kids, the parking difficulties, and the disgruntled neighboring businesses? The one that inspired News Tribune articles and town forums? It’s been a month or so, and Bobble Tiki hasn’t heard anything.


Backscratching with I Defy

I’ve officially fallen off the MySpace bandwagon. In the beginning, I openly mocked the social Web site declaring just how stupid I thought it was to spend time growing your list of Internet “friends.” Then, like most people who initially fought the craze, I gave in. Before long I was


Good holiday cheer

“The Perfect Holiday” is a big-hearted romantic comedy based on Meet Cutes, mistaken identities, rebounding fibs, a Santa Claus operating under false pretenses, a nasty rapper, a 300-pound elf, three cute kids and Gabrielle Union, whose only Christmas wish is that a nice man would pay her a compliment.  The


Alvin and the Chipmunks

The most astonishing sight in “Alvin and the Chipmunks” is not three singing chipmunks. No, it’s a surprise saved for the closing titles, where we see the covers of all the Alvin & C albums and CDs. I lost track after 10. It is inconceivable to me that anyone would


Don't ask, just watch

The opening scenes of “I Am Legend” have special effects so good that they just about compensate for some later special effects that are dicey. We see Manhattan three years after a deadly virus has killed every healthy human on the island, except one. The streets are overgrown with weeds,


Hed(pe) hits Vertigo

For the second time this year, on Friday, Dec. 14, hed(pe) will play Tacoma. Considering I didn’t realize hed(pe) still existed until the first time they played T-Town back in May, their second show in Tacoma isn’t quite as surprising. However, it’s close. If you had asked me a year


Crude, rude, and funny

Bobble Tiki is a tiki of many skills and talents. Pegging Bobble Tiki is nearly impossible. Bobble Tiki’s a friend to some and a foe to others. Bobble Tiki’s both a mover and a shaker. Bobble Tiki is a lover and a hater. Bobble Tiki is many things. For this reason,


On local screens this week

ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS: See review page 21. Century Olympia: Fri-Thurs, Dec. 20 noon, 1:10, 2:20, 3:30, 4:40, 5:50, 7, 8:10, 9:20. Also Sat-Sun 10:50 a.m. Galaxy Tacoma 6: Fri-Thurs, Dec. 20 12:35, 2:40, 4:45, 7, 9:05. Lakewood Cinema 15: Fri-Thurs,


Satellite Coffee

Back in the day of high school and learner’s permits, a group of us from Gig Harbor used to drive across the then one Narrows Bridge to get our after school coffee fix at Temple of the Bean across from Wright Park. It wasn’t so much about the coffee as


In the bag

East Asia Supermarket On every visit to East Asia Supermarket, I have been the only person of Caucasian persuasion. It’s not a bad thing. In fact, I’m glad. It’s one of the secret ways I decide if a place is legitimate or not. Is it a trendy place riding a new


Brit-Simone Sutter

Instead of pushing at the malls, the Weekly Volcano decided to hit the Tempest Lounge’s Trunk Show Saturday. Seven artists filled the Hilltop spot with jewelry as the flavor of the day. When, what to my wondering eyes should appear, but Brit-Simone Sutter, the marketing machine behind Vinosus Handmade.  As beautiful



Mineral, the dreamy jewelry gallery with big picture window on St. Helens has moved. As with so many of the buildings in Tacoma’s downtown core, her former building, The Webster, was sold, and Mineral owner and jewelry designer Lisa Kinoshita packed up her bags and moved to the Dome District,


Heavy Metal Christmas Party

Nothing says Christmas like heavy metal. Forget mistletoe and egg nog. Forget Saint Nick and Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. As Baby Jesus’ birthday looms ever closer, it’s time to think about drop tuned guitars and testosterone. On Thursday, Dec. 20, Cheers West in University Place will play host to the

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