Articles (1167) Currently Viewing: 981 - 1000 of 1167

Exercise puts Soldiers’ leadership skills to test


Exercise puts Soldiers’ leadership skills to test

Once Leah Hansen stepped over the line of departure (LD), a test of her leadership skills began. An officer candidate to earn a commission in the Washington Army National Guard (WANG), Hansen and 10 other candidates recently honed their leadership skills during a situational training exercise (STX). To become an officer in

Going the distance


Going the distance

Dr. (Col.) Mark Thompson ran in the traditions begun by the Greek Soldier Pheidippides and the American patriot Paul Revere when he successfully completed this year's Boston Marathon. "This was my 22nd marathon," the Madigan Healthcare System pediatrician said. "And the second time I've run Boston." With more than 110 years of


3rd Brigade Strykers refine skills in Yakima

The 3rd Stryker Brigade Combat Team (SBCT), 2nd Infantry Division is currently conducting full spectrum training operations at the Yakima Training Center (YTC). "We're conducting training we've haven't done in almost 10 years," CSM Peter Smith explained. "For the young soldiers, this is the first time they've been exposed to this.  For

CSM Troxell's "Physically, Mentally, Emotionally Hard" Gauntlet


CSM Troxell's "Physically, Mentally, Emotionally Hard" Gauntlet

The PME Hard Gauntlet is tough.Created by CMS John Troxell, the "Physically, Mentally, Emotionally Hard" Gauntlet is designed to work more than the muscles used on the Army Physical Fitness Test."The intent to to give soldiers the core strength they need to face anything on the battlefield," Troxell, I Corps

Riding into an ancient sport


Riding into an ancient sport

Polo is built on horsepower - as in the four-legged kind. "You get to ride fast and bump into people," said Claudia Howell as she put a saddle onto her horse, Sierra. A rider for more than 50 years and a polo player for the past 24 years, Howell worked efficiently and

Cadets rappell into the future at JBLM


Cadets rappell into the future at JBLM

Officially, the Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) is a federal program sponsored by the United States Armed Forces in high schools across the country. Unofficially - and more to the point - JROTC is an opportunity for young people to gain self-confidence, leadership skills and have fun. For approximately 360 JROTC

Reliving and honoring history


Reliving and honoring history

Bernie Moskowitz honored the 150th anniversary of the start to the Civil War by talking about Union Army Corporal Jesse Barrick. "I was honored to be the bugler at his reinternment at the Tahoma National Cemetery," Moskowitz said as he cleaned some gear. Barrick had been buried in an unmarked grave in

Earning the EIB


Earning the EIB

Sgt. Christian Duran wore a smile. For four days, he had worked hard to earn his Expert Infantryman Badge (EIB). Introduced in 1944 by then Army Chief of Staff Gen. George Marshall, the badge is a high honor among infantrymen. Earning the badge signifies that an infantryman is a master of the

Safeguarding the family pets


Safeguarding the family pets

Pets are wonderful companions to have in one's home. That said, there are a number of simple precautions to be kept in mind to keep your pet safe. Whether you are thinking about getting a pet - or already have one - take the time to implement some safety precautions in

Hope for homeless vets


Hope for homeless vets

Journalist's Note:  As a measure of privacy and respect, only the first names of the veterans interviewed for this story were used. There is a distant look in Bill's eyes - framed by the deep lines on his face - of a man who has seen his share of hard times. He

Cultivating relations


Cultivating relations

Pfc. Guylaen O'Conner liked the T-shirt the Washington Army National Guard sent him. "Yes sir, I liked the shirt and decided to join," O'Conner said as he dug at the roots of an invasive plant. "Besides, I think the Guard is a great organization, and I wanted to serve." That service took

Guarding the past


Guarding the past

Members of the Washington National Guard serve in the spirit of their motto - "Citizens Serving Citizens with Pride and Tradition." The Guard's sense of pride and service is on display at the Washington National Guard Museum. Sometimes referred to as "The Arsenal," the museum is located in Building #2 on

Veteran brings game he learned while in Korea to market


Veteran brings game he learned while in Korea to market

Bruce Attwood FIXXed me good and won the game. "It's an easy one to learn, but there are so many strategies to use in playing the game," he explained. Attwood had a point as he talked about his game, FIXX. As we sat in a local restaurant and played a game that

Booming indicators


Booming indicators

Several Soldiers peered down and into the culvert, looking for the telltale signs of an Improvised Explosive Device (IED). Standing nearby, Sgt. 1st Class Ian Robb triggered a simulated IED that exploded to the side of and behind the dozen-and-a-half troops. The explosion clearly caught everyone off guard. "Culverts can be a decoy,"

Military Family Caucus on forefront of support efforts

Operation Family Support

Military Family Caucus on forefront of support efforts

Not to be outdone by their colleagues in the U.S. House of Representatives, the U.S. Senate created in July of last year a bipartisan Military Family Caucus to focus on issues facing military families and on improvement of existing programs and services. The House Military Family Caucus is comprised of 76

Madigan nurses get their deserved day in spotlight

News Articles

Madigan nurses get their deserved day in spotlight

Capt. Jennifer Stringer is a registered nurse who serves in the Madigan Healthcare System. Earning her certification - and having it presented to her on Certified Nurses Day - made her smile broadly. "It represents the extra work you put into your specific nursing field," the psychiatric/mental health nurse said moments after

Dancing with the best


Dancing with the best

The dance down the long, dark and cold hallway had begun with a conversation and ended with a show of force. "We're training to perfect close quarters combat (CQC) skills," explained ‘Sgt. West' during an earlier briefing. "Once we've perfected our skills, we will be in a position to train others." After

Soldiers compete for coveted badge


Soldiers compete for coveted badge

Capt. (Dr.) Barrett Campbell faced a double challenge. During a patrol, he and four soldiers came across a vehicle that had been hit with an improvised explosive device. Sounds of a gun battle sounded surrounded them. One soldier lay on the ground, conscious with a severe laceration on his lower right leg.  The

Lakewood Lions in the lead


Lakewood Lions in the lead

The Lakewood Knights Lions Club exists as an example of humanitarian service in this community. "We are a family that cares for the community, and the community is our family," said Balarie McLeod, president of the organization. Her words hearken back to the history and mission of the Lions. Founded in 1917

Cavalry training focuses on paying attention to details


Cavalry training focuses on paying attention to details

The Chinook dropped out of the sky, hovered for an instance, and then gently touched down on LZ (landing zone) Goldfish. Moments later, approximately 15 Soldiers comprising "Red Platoon" and assigned to A Troop, 1st Squadron, 8th Cavalry Regiment came off the ramp, fanned out and dropped to the ground. As they

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