Friday, Feb. 26: Thrones


By Nikki Talotta on February 24, 2010

My friend's band once bought a baby blue Ford conversion van that previously belonged to Thrones, a.k.a. Joe Preston. Inside was tour garbage, flat tires and a picture of Preston lounging on a saggy couch, orange ‘70s afghan thrown across his lap, a peaceful looking cat snuggled up against him. He must have been resting up from years of hard rocking with his band mate - a drum machine. Preston has an impressive resume, playing with The Melvins, Earth, C Average, and High On Fire, to name just a few. Before Preston's European tour, Thrones will be joining Christian Mistress and Two Ton Boa at Olympia's all age's venue, Northern. Now is your chance to grab your 17-year-old cousin and blow his mind with some of the best, tripped-out heavy rock the Northwest has to offer.

[Northern, with Two Ton Boa, Christian Mistress, 9 p.m., all ages, $7, 321 Fourth Ave., Olympia,]