Sunday, April 25: Gold Teeth

Top of Tacoma Bar and Cafe

By Matt Driscoll on April 21, 2010

Church or awesome garage rock? These are the types of dilemmas presented to you when Tacoma's Gold Teeth (now with seven members!) slithers out of the depths and decides to plug in for a rare matinee show at Top of Tacoma. OK, sure - technically you could probably attend a reasonably scheduled Sunday service and still make it to Top of Tacoma for Gold Teeth's first Rainier beer tuned, three chord, fist-pumper - but that blows the whole premise of this blurb. Plus, if you're down with Gold Teeth, Sunday service probably isn't too high on your priority list. Just sayin'. "Our rule of ‘No Rocking Before Rock O' Clock!' has only been stifled by our friends at The Top of Tacoma. We can break tradition for good pals," says Gold Teeth's Chris Trashcan. Won't you join the mayhem? 

[Top of Tacoma Bar and Cafe, 5 p.m., 3529 McKinley Ave., Tacoma, 253.272.1502]