Saturday, May 29: "Exit Through the Gift Shop" chat

The Grand Cinema

By Volcano Staff on May 26, 2010

We're all too familiar with the "Is graffiti art?" debate. Every time we publish a graffiti story our Web site goes berserk at the hands of angry suburbanites with keyboards. They'd be well served to see the documentary Exit Through the Gift Shop, opening at The Grand Cinema Friday. As would you. An acclaimed documentary resulting from a French shopkeeper tracking down world renowned, but highly guarded graffiti artist Banksy, this is a film being talked about for good reason. Luckily, Saturday there's an organized discussion about the film.

[The Grand Cinema, 3 p.m. film showing, 4:30 p.m. discussion, 606 S. Fawcett Ave., Tacoma, 253.593.4474]