Saturday, July 24: The Variety Hour

The New Frontier Lounge

By Matt Driscoll on July 21, 2010

"Champion the underdog," the Variety Hour's Rob Olsen urged me through email earlier this week. I decided to listen, and with good reason. You see, Olsen's Variety Hour is playing The New Frontier Saturday, on the same night that much of Dome District hangout's usual ironic crowd will probably be at Bob's Java Jive for The Nightgowns, Drug Purse, et al. And, truth is, even after I write this blurb that will probably still be the case. But, that's not to say the Variety Hour isn't totally worthy, and that whoever is smart enough to check in at The New Frontier Saturday won't be pleasantly rewarded by the band's mix of old and new. Evoking "the early '90s sounds of Britpop and shoegaze acts like Teenage Fanclub and Swervedriver," according to the Volcano's Rev. Adam McKinney, The Variety Hour is a good bet for doubling your live music money this week. Go ahead, champion the underdog.

[The New Frontier Lounge, with guests, 9 p.m., Cover TBA, 301 E. 25th St., Tacoma, 253.572.4020]