Tuesday, Feb. 15-Wednesday, Feb. 16: Melanie Burford lectures

Rasmussen Rotunda and Kilworth Chapel

By Christian Carvajal on February 9, 2011

Photojournalist and documentarian Melanie Burford was a member of The Dallas Morning News photo team that won a Pulitzer for its 2006 coverage of Hurricane Katrina. She returned last spring to document the human cost of the BP disaster, and next week she's taking a break from her teaching gig at Columbia University to bring these stories to the University of Puget Sound. Her lecture on Tuesday the 15th (6:30 p.m. in the Rasmussen Rotunda) will consider the topic, "The Monster Under the Water: Delacroix Island Fishermen Defend Their Marsh Against the BP Oil Spill." Her second lecture, the next evening at 6:30 p.m., will be in Kilworth Chapel and cover the "Eyes of the Storm: The Photographic Story of Hurricane Katrina From the Photographers at The Dallas Morning News." Both presentations are free, and the general public is encouraged to attend.

Read the full story here.

Melanie Burford lectures

Tuesday, Feb. 15, 6:30 p.m., free
Rasmussen Rotunda, University of Puget Sound
1500 N. Warner St., Tacoma

Wednesday, Feb. 16, 6:30 p.m., free
Kilworth Chapel, University of Puget Sound
1500 N. Warner St., Tacoma