Saturday, April 2: D'Rocc video shoot

Firwood Rock Lounge

By Josh Rizeberg on March 30, 2011

Probably the most fun thing to do this week would be for you to attend D‘Rocc's video shoot. D'Rocc is one of the main up-and-comers in our hip-hop scene and he's had some big videos in the past. The video being shot this week is open to the public - meaning you can come be immortalized in the scene forever. The shoot is actually more like an event; there'll be performances by Tak Patron, Lok Skywalker and Second Family (more about these artists in future columns). The event is Saturday at the Firwood Rock Lounge and it packs a $10 cover. This venue is new and has already had some large hip-hop shows. Come check out the new venue and meet some of the who's who in 253 hip-hop. 


Tak Patron, Lok Skywalker and Second Family
Saturday, April 2, 7 p.m., $10
Firwood Rock Lounge
734 Pacific Ave., Tacoma