Saturday, June 25: Be A Hero

Comic Book Ink

By Volcano Staff on June 22, 2011

You've heard the rallying cries. Tacoma's Comic Book Ink is in trouble, but the geeks wont go down without a fight. In fact, you'd be foolish to bet against them. Saturday, starting at noon, local artists will offer sketches in exchange for donations to Comic Book Ink - part of the Be A Hero fundraising event. Even better, at 5 p.m. the party moves next door to the Green Pup bar for the comic book store's first (and hopefully annual) drink and draw fest. Awesomeness abounds.

[Comic Book Ink, noon to 5 p.m., 2510 S. 84th St. Suites 15A-B, Lakewood, 253.761.4651]