Saturday, Sept. 17: Dorky's Anniversary Show

Dorky's Arcade

By Rev. Adam McKinney on September 14, 2011

Dorky's Arcade has been on a role as of late. As Dorky's near its one-year anniversary (can you believe it's already been a year?), the arcade has finally acquired a liquor license and started throwing rock shows. To celebrate the first year in existence, Dorky's is having a typically nerdy anniversary show, featuring the silly pop-punk of Gonken, the sci-fi electronics of SliiDE, the tongue-in-cheek rap of Cutwinkles member MC Mike Kopf, and a comedy troupe called Kitty Cats in Pirate Hats. Of a certain note will be electro-pop Phantom Twin, featuring Brandon Beauchesne. Eagle-eyed readers will recall that I wrote about him for 2010's Best of Tacoma issue - about what, I will not say. Just know that this show will tickle your dorky cockles in the least weird way possible. 

[Dorky's Arcade, with IDon'tKnowWhoTheyAre, MC Mike Kopf, Phantom Twin, Gonken, SliiDE, Kitty Cats in Pirate Hats, 9 p.m., no cover, 21+, 754 Pacific Ave., Tacoma, 253.627.4156]