Friday, Sept. 23: Shrouded In Veils

The New Frontier Lounge

By Rev. Adam McKinney on September 21, 2011

It's OK for me to call Shrouded in Veils a progressive rock band, right? I can never quite place my finger on the line between math rock and its proggy predecessor. I somehow think Shrouded in Veils won't get in a huff about the semantics of sub-genres and the sometimes unfair connotations that go along with them. Shrouded in Veils possesses a breathless instrumental prowess and a sincere desire to take you on a mind-bending-or-otherwise journey and spit you back out on the other side, slightly frazzled and dizzy from exposure the chopping guitars and guttural bass lines. It's bracing stuff that occasionally threatens to veer into chaos, but always corrects itself before gliding safely into the home stretch.

[The New Frontier Lounge, with Sources in Code, Hands of Toil, 9 p.m., cover TBA, 301 E. 25th St., Tacoma, 253.572.4020]