Saturday, April 14: Blind chocolate tasting

Olympia Timberland Library

By Volcano Staff on April 10, 2012

No just universe would reserve the pleasures of candy for children, but if your taste buds have grown up, you may no longer want to scarf waxen candy corn. The civilized adult can get sugar and chocolate fixes at blind chocolate tasting and talk Saturday at the Olympia Timberline Library (of course!). Felipe Grefa, a teacher, cacao farmer, and delegate from the Kallari cacao cooperative in the Ecuadorian Amazon, will discuss regional flavors of cocoa beans, the stages in cocoa production and bean preparation, and the process involved in chocolate making.

Then everyone will take a nap.

[Olympia Timberland Library, 2:30-4 p.m., 313 Eighth Ave. SE, Olympia, 360.352.0595]