Sunday, Sept. 8: Benefit for Jho Blenis

The Swiss

By Volcano Staff on September 2, 2013

The best and worst thing about the Tacoma music scene is how tight-knit it can be. This quality can manifest itself as stubborn resistance to expanding the sonic palette of our town, but it can also result in inspiring gestures of care and support for one another. Tacoma takes care of its own, as we like to say. Sunday will provide an opportunity for us to prove that we can extend this affection to one of our area's beloved musicians. Jho Blenis needs help paying his medical bills. Enough said. A benefit will be held Sunday at The Swiss featuring a full day of awesome blues: Spin Cycle, Randy Oxford Band, Big Nasty, Dean Reichert Band, Little Bill and the Blue Notes, Tim Hall Band, Jerry Miller Band and Bump Kitchen anchoring at 8 p.m. Ted Brown Music is providing a bass rig and drum kit/cymbals. All-Star Guitar is donating major gear for guitarists. Robert Richholt is donating a Hammond XK3 with a Leslie for back line. {WV}

BENEFIT FOR JHO BLENIS, 1-10 p.m., The Swiss, 1904 S. Jefferson Ave., Tacoma, $10, 253.572.2821

See Also

Calendar: Arts and Entertainment

Calendar: Music and Nightlife