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What I did on Memorial Day weekend

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One of my favorite things about Tacoma is Memorial Day weekend.

While everyone was busy stressing about how they were going to get out of town and battle traffic to camp in Eastern Washington, hit up the Sasquatch! Festival, rush to Portland or Vancouver, or jet set off to the airport, I was doing one thing: chillin’ without a care in the world.
Tacoma is awesome when everyone leaves it. I get to have my favorite bars and restaurants all to myself. It’s also nothing but bliss to roll around only within the city limits while witnessing and hearing about the terrible traffic on I-5 that I played no part in.

As a matter of fact, my car actually didn’t leave the garage once this weekend, but don’t you think for a second that I sat around at home the whole time. Oh, hell no.

Adventures always have a way of finding me, and here’s what happened.

I did myself a huge favor by staying home on Thursday in preparation for a no-plan-having Memorial Day weekend, and I settled in for VH1’s “Rock Honors.”

You see, my father was a big-dreamin’, lead-guitar-strummin’, backup-music singin’ Seattle celebrity musician. He never made it very far, but people still know him around town.

In the ’70s, while living it up on Queen Anne Hill and rocking local clubs and dives, he met a soon-to-be star, the raven-haired beauty, Ann Wilson.  You know, the gal from Heart with the most electric rock vocals I’ll ever hear in my life.

They spent time together dating, hanging out, going to movies and the like.

Then she dumped his ass and quickly became the star that she still is, and one of my heroes.
When I was younger, I used to honestly believe that I was their love child, and sometimes I still do, especially because I have this uncanny way of belting it out and sounding just like her.
I’d believe in that theory whole-heartedly to this day if wasn’t for one important factor: I look an awful lot like my mother. Damnit!

Regardless, Heart was inducted into the VH1 “Rock Honors” last Thursday night, and it was in the most perfect way — as always, they were the only girls.

Other inductees were ZZ Top, the best noise that’s ever come from Texas; Genesis, another group that defines staying power; and Ozzy Ozbourne, my savior.

Even though Ann Wilson probably isn’t my mother, I’m still a classic rock junkie, and I’m convinced that this show was made for me.

I’m sure VH1 will replay it at least 50 more times this week in case you missed it.

Then, on Friday, Sydney, a.k.a. Syd Vicious and I hit up Matador and Paddy Coyne’s. That was yum and yum.

Saturday, The Husky hopped on over to my house, and we decided to go on the Hoodie 2007 Tour. Donning our favorite hoodies, we drank our way from my house to downtown, then up to Sixth Avenue, all on foot or via public transportation. We hit up Parky’s Tavern, walked to Alfred’s, caught the Link to Puget Sound Pizza and the bus to the West End. After that, we motored to Teacher Todd and Pop Star Kelly’s house to watch the Ultimate Fighting Championship. We were so completely bummed that Chuck Liddel lost.

But that disappointment couldn’t stop the Hoodie 2007 tour, and we ventured on to Asado only to find Awesome Andi, BFF Sundawg, Bud Rob and Nice Nick. Then we adjourned to Doyle’s.
Let’s just say that I slept well that night.

Sunday, Mr. Sienna and I had dinner at Masa and went to see “Blades of Glory.” Super funny, go see it.

And since I didn’t have to work Monday (YEA!), Hazel 8, TK, Joe and I could be found that night at the West End as TK schooled us on the bowling video game. Then we naturally went to Hank’s, where Shelby joined in, and I ran into some friends that I hadn’t seen in forever, including Donnie and The Chad.

Shelby showed us love and hosted a super fun after-hours party that I didn’t escape until 5 a.m. Whew!

Now that’s obviously a lot of Memorial Day weekend miracles, but then again, I’d expect nothing less.

I’m Carmen, your new chameleon.  Drop me your favorite parties here.

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