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Sheriff Hill?

One thing's for sure: The man is definitely not boring

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He’s been called a lot of things. A rogue. A fringe candidate. A nut-job.

But whatever you call Jesse “the Traveller” Hill, one thing is certain: He’s taken his run at Pierce County Sheriff seriously.

He’s got $30,000 of campaign spending to prove it.

Known for his eccentric costumes and female masturbation diatribes at Tacoma City Council meetings, Hill has achieved infamous status in Tacoma. He’s nearly as revered by Grit City’s counterculture as he is hated by folks in City Hall. His attempt to challenge incumbent Pierce County Sheriff Paul Pastor has shone a light on that love and hate relationship.

Hill is forcing the issue. While most, at least initially, viewed his candidacy as a publicity stunt, campaign spending figures provided by the Washington Public Disclosure Commission suggest that — if Hill’s sheriff posturing is a publicity stunt, it’s an expensive one. Figures show Hill has spent a little over $28,000 so far on his campaign, though — Hill put that figure closer to $30,000 earlier this week.

It’s money well spent, he says — even if he did need to cash in his gold coin collection to make it possible. In a previous interview with the Weekly Volcano, Hill said he makes a living by fixing computers and teaching women how to pleasure themselves. In these economically difficult times, one can only assume the female pleasuring market is floundering. It makes Hill’s decision to spend $30,000 on his campaign — considerably more than Pastor — a little jaw dropping,

Some might even call it crazy.

Not Hill. To him, the money isn’t important. What’s important is bringing civilian control to the office of Pierce County Sheriff.

“I’ve provided a choice for voters,” says Hill of his candidacy. Civilian control is something that needs to be considered.”

While Hill does have a platform built on civilian control and oversight, in the past he’s also supported things like lowering the minimum drinking age to 15 and firearms training for high school students. Of course, as sheriff he probably wouldn’t be able to create such change, but if nothing else, Hill provides constant fodder for Tacoma’s blogosphere.

That fodder, and word of mouth buzz “the Traveller” has been able to create, has seemingly been enough to persuade Pastor into the unfamiliar world of actual campaigning. This is the first year Pierce County Sheriff will be an elected position, and it’s no doubt a challenge Pastor is somewhat uncomfortable with. Lately, he’s been telling potential voters to choose between a candidate with a track record and a police record.

For his part, Hill has been focusing his campaign on new voters, whom he says “aren’t responsible for the status quo.” He also calls his somewhat lengthy police record a badge of honor, citing the fact that most of his arrests stem from civil disobedience — at least in Hill’s often questioned mind.

“If I don’t win I hope the incumbent at least looks at my platform,” says Hill.

Don’t count on it.

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