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Too cool Yule

Local bands rock the Christmas carols at Bob’s Java Jive

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Of all the many things Bobble Tiki enjoys about the holidays, one thing sits atop that list.

The parties.

Sure, booze filled eggnog is nice, Christmas trees smell good, and candy canes are fun to suck on until they get really sharp and end up drawing blood in your mouth, but nothing — and Bobble Tiki means nothing — beats a good holiday party. Whether it’s an office party, a family party or simply a party party, the holidays are the perfect time to let loose.

This Saturday, Dec. 20, the Weekly Volcano and Bob’s Java Jive are throwing just such a party — and you’re soooo invited. If ever you needed an excuse to let loose, this is it — and it’s going to be good. Bobble Tiki guarantees it.

Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls (of drinking age), please meet Rock ‘n’ Carol – a holiday party for all of Tacoma.

Here’s the gist: From the mix CD-filled depths of Bob’s Java Jive music booker Darren Sampson’s brain came the idea — throw a holiday party at the Jive. Then came the brilliant part (probably with help from his wife, Rachel): Don’t just throw a party, throw one hell of a party — inviting prominent bands and musicians from all over Grit City (and beyond) to lay down some of their favorite holiday tunes. Then, with the Weekly Volcano firmly on board, promote the hell out of said Tacoma holiday party, ask everyone to wear a cheesy holiday sweater and make the whole night a benefit for the Jive’s PA system and a food drive to benefit the Emergency Food Network.

Sounds like a blast, doesn’t it? Of course it does. That’s why you should clear your calendar. You now have plans for Saturday night.

But wait. You haven’t even heard the musical lineup yet. Don’t start going crazy with anticipation until you know just how good this is going to be.

Bands scheduled to pump up the holiday cheer at Bob’s Java Jive this Saturday include: Friskey, Kusikia, Bumtech, The Syph, the Vile Red Falcons, Rising Tides, You Yell, You Kick and special guests.

And you know the Weekly Volcano (and, thus, Bobble Tiki) wouldn’t use the word “special” unless we really meant it — which we do.

“We love the Java Jive, and Darren, Rachel are friends of ours. We like to support what they do for Tacoma’s music scene and think the Rock ‘n’ Carol is a fun idea,” drummer Peter Keller Ryan of Kusikia tells Bobble Tiki of his band’s decision to participate in Saturday’s Weekly Volcano-sponsored holiday party at the Jive. “As for songs, we have yet to decide. We tend to do things last minute.”

“I love any opportunity to get together and celebrate with family and/or friends, no matter what the occasion,” Ryan continues. “I’m not so much into the consumer hype and pressure to purchase gifts, but I think gifts can be valuable ways to express love regardless of when they are shared.

“One year in middle school my dad gave me a Speedo even after he asked me if I’d wear one and I said no way. So I opened it and walked outside and threw it in the trash. He was so pissed. The funny thing is that I’d totally wear one now.”

Funny how things change.

But Bobble Tiki’s love for holiday parties is here to stay. There’s simply no better season, and no better reason, to get fall-down drunk with those you’re close with than the holidays. If you know what’s good for you, you’ll find your way to Bob’s Java Jive for Rock ‘n’ Carol this Saturday night. The cheer just may be overwhelming — in such a good way.

As usual, Bobble Tiki doesn’t really care what you do this week because he doesn’t even know you. Sorry about that. Unless you can tell Bobble Tiki where to find a last minute gift for Mrs. Tiki that will cost less than $30 and won’t get him in the kind of trouble that last year’s Swiffer fun pack did, then Bobble Tiki’s pretty sure he doesn’t want to meet you. Check out for all your South Sound Internet needs, and consider that close enough. If you got any closer to Bobble Tiki you could see that’s just a candy cane in his pocket, and he’s really not all that glad to see you.

[Bob’s Java Jive, Saturday, Dec. 20, 8 p.m., $5 with $1 off per can of food donated, 2102 S. Tacoma Way, Tacoma, 253.475.9843]


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