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Vin Grotto vs. Merende

I’m proud of what I accomplished at Vin Grotto Cafe and Wine Bar

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As I gaze out my dining room window, I admire the fresh blanket of snow that engulfs our region. While the dog has yet to destroy the pristine nature of my front yard, there is a distinct odor wafting through the air. It smells like a fresh beginning.

For those of you who don’t know me, I used to own Vin Grotto Café and Wine Bar at 813 Pacific Ave. in downtown Tacoma. I sold the café almost a year ago, and now a new restaurant has arisen — all fresh and shiny new.

After many false starts, Merende has finally opened its doors for business. Much of me wanted to stay far away, but a small part was curious as to what they had done. I suppose my biggest fear was that they would make it better. I had put so much of myself into Vin Grotto, I couldn’t imagine someone else doing a better job — and they didn’t.

Now before you get all “What’s she talking about? This place is fabulous!” let me explain myself. The folks at Merende gutted the space. Except for a few trinkets and bar stools, there is nothing about Vin Grotto left, and I couldn’t be happier.

You see, I had created a neighborhood wine bar that was unique and slightly ahead of its time. When I first opened, where could you find an art gallery that was also a wine bar? While this combination didn’t last, it was still pretty progressive for five years ago. Now everybody wants to be an art gallery.

Now I ask, who did a better cheese plate or turkey sandwich? And nobody liked to discover weirder wines than me. Don’t get me wrong. It wasn’t always great at Vin Grotto. We had customer service issues, chef issues, cranky server issues, and more than my share of burned-out owner issues, but I am proud of what we accomplished. We did well for what we were meant to be.

I say these words of validation because shortly after I sold, I felt like I had failed in some way. But since I have been away, Vin Grotto customers approach me on a regular basis with words of appreciation. They tell me how much they miss the wine bar and how there is nothing else like it around. While a little sad, this does my heart good.

Now back to my point about Merende. They will not do a better job than Vin Grotto because they don’t want to BE Vin Grotto. Merende has a vision all its own, and from what I can tell they are on the right path. I truly wish them well.

So friends, this column was more for me than for you. It validates five years of sleepless nights and dwindling bank accounts. It also confirms that I did well. I built something; I kept it running and reaped my reward. And now I am on to MY fresh new beginning.

Thank you, friends, for giving me that chance.

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