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REACH Center launches "Housing 4 Success" program

Finding homes for young people experiencing homelessness

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Wednesday, Jan. 9 was a banner day for a young couple and their 3-year-old child. The couple will no longer have to sleep in a benevolent stranger's car, with their child sleeping 20 feet away in the stranger's house. The Resources for Education and Career Help Center, or REACH, in Tacoma, with the help of Associated Ministries, has secured an apartment for the young family as part of its "Housing 4 Success" program, which was launched Jan. 2.

H4S is a new, wraparound service at the REACH Center for homeless unaccompanied youth and young adults that puts them in housing first as it then delivers life skills to help them get back on track to achieve stable housing and a personal path to self-sufficiency.

"It's the only program in Pierce County that provides housing for 16 to 24 year olds who are experiencing homelessness," says Kurt Miller, director of REACH, as well as Tacoma School District board member. "We take these kids who are sleeping in dumpsters, under bridges and couch surfing with friends and find them permanent homes - not just temporary situations. Then, through our 40-agency connections and vast peer advocacy resources at REACH, we help them finish school, find jobs and even secure financial aid so they may attend college."

Sunrise Rotary, a REACH partner, helped secure housing for the couple sleeping in the car.

To join the program, and help struggling young adults get the skills they need, call 253.573.6590.

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