Northwest Military Blogs: South Sound at Night

February 8, 2011 at 7:39am

TUESDAYS: Goldfish races at Tacoma's Harmon Tap Room (canceled)

Vertesia Olson and Aquafina race Elizabeth Gendron and Pink Taco. Photography by Steve Dunkelberger

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Editor's note: Harmon Tap Room no longer hosts the goldfish races.

Don't look now, but goldfish racing has hit the Harmon Tap Room every Tuesday night.

The rules are very simple: 1) pick your fish 2) name it something vulgar 3) grab a water spayer 4) dump your fish in the trough 5) spray your fish across the finish line and 6) win $50 cash.

Last Tuesday a mixed-age crowd of flounder fans raced, cheered and pounded Harmon brews.

Losers don't always have to be eaten. I learned that a bit too late. Sorry Sushi, you were a noble racer and a tasty treat to go along with the Vanilla Porter on tap.

Goldfish Races

8 p.m., every Tuesday
Harmon Tap Room
204 St. Helens Ave., Tacoma
253. 212.2725

LINK: More photos from the event

Comments for "TUESDAYS: Goldfish races at Tacoma's Harmon Tap Room (canceled)" (5)

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Aja Pound said on Feb. 08, 2011 at 10:56am

Go Pink Taco GO! Can't wait till tonights races!!!!

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Shanny D said on Feb. 08, 2011 at 1:02pm

I think that a goldfish swallowing contest would be alot more fun

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Erika said on Feb. 08, 2011 at 1:02pm

Goldfish racing with squirt bottles is abusive to the animal - please stop the cruelty! PETA approves this message!

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Ryan said on Mar. 02, 2011 at 12:17pm

they stole this idea from my bar in seattle/fremont!! which is a great idea!! I'm not hating but get it right where they got this idea from!!

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Nick said on Apr. 22, 2011 at 8:42am

@Ryan I'm pretty sure your Fremont bar wasn't the first place EVAR to think of goldfish racing. I'm not hating, but lets be realistic - this concept is about as old as the oldest college fraternity.

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