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Through April 8: Olympia Week Of Action

Capital Rotunda

Meet at the Olympia/Rafah Solidarity Mural at State Avenue and Capital Way at 10 a.m. Tuesday, April 5 to kick off the week.

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Labor and social justice organizations like Washington Community Action Network (WaCAN), the Washington State Labor Council (WSLC), Parents Organizing for Welfare and Economic Rights (POWER) have endorsed multiple rallies scheduled to take place on the grounds of the Capitol during the "Week of Action." The reason for rallying: the projected millions of dollars in state budget cuts are anticipated to affect many individuals and programs around the state. Budget cuts that Fatima Morales, the communications director of WaCAN, argues Washingtonians don't want.

[Capital Rotunda, Times Vary, 400 Capitol Way S., Olympia]

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