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Friday, April 15: Seapony

The New Frontier Lounge

Seapony / photo courtesy of Facebook

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The cover photo of Seapony's Dreaming single depicts sunshine pouring through a line of evergreen trees - rays of sun so intensely radiant that the picture is overtaken by lens flares. It's a potent distillation of the Seapony ethos, and the ethos of bands like them, this idea of a never-ending summer, so light and ebullient that it can almost become overwhelming. Around these parts, we never get summers like that, instead only experiencing brief windows of sunshiny promise that prove more mocking than anything. It could be that, more than most, we need bands like Seapony.

For Rev. Adam McKinney's full feature on Seapony, click here.


With the Nightgowns and Hello Electric
Friday, April 15, 9:30 p.m., cover TBA
The New Frontier Lounge, 301 E. 25th St., Tacoma

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Sun flares

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