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Saturday, June 25: Animals and Men


Animals and Men

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Minimalist Brit-punkers Animals and Men have been at it for a long time, coming up in the late '70s and continuing in a trail-blazing fashion through the '80s, surviving the bloat of the '90s and emerging as DIY godfathers in the present age. Throughout that time, Animals and Men have maintained a no-frills approach to punk: a simple hook, a deadpan female vocal and sneering lyrics. Its purity is its greatest asset. And now that all this time has passed, the band only gained integrity in the way their music has come back around to fire spitballs at all of the young posers who yearn to capture that early punk aesthetic. Animals and Men are the real deal, and it'd be a shame to miss them as they veer through our humble midst.

[Northern, with Western Hymn, Morgan and the Organ Donors, 9 p.m., $6, 321 Fourth Ave., Olympia,]

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