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Through June 1: "Gloucester Blue"

Harlequin Productions

A pair of working-class painters help transform a run-down loft into a summer house for a wealthy couple in "Gloucester Blue." Photo courtesy of Harlequin productions

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If you've never been to a show at Harlequin Productions in Olympia, Gloucester Blue by the prolific and celebrated American dramatist, Israel Horovitz, would be an amazing initiation. Horovitz has written more than 70 plays, won numerous awards for his work, founded the Gloucester Stage Company in Gloucester Mass. and is dad to Beastie Boy Adam "Ad-Rock" Horovitz. His newest Blue Collar Play, Gloucester Blue, "explores the character of the region in rich, dark, funny, bloody, and unvarnished detail." The play begins more dark than comedic until the climax/turning point when the humor begins to edge out the darkness that has permeated the stage.

Read Joann Varnell's full review in Northwets Military's Music & Culture section.

GLOUCESTER BLUE, through June 1, 8 p.m. Thursday-Saturday, 2 p.m. Sunday, Harlequin Productions, 202 Fourth Ave. E., Olympia, $20-$31, 360.786.0151

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