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Saturday, Nov. 16: The Approach CD Release Party


The Approach celebrates its new CD Saturday night at Jazzbonbes.

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A cursory look at the Tacoma reggae quartet The Approach's debut record suggests the band favors upbeat rhythms over the lazy, laid-back tempos preferred by too many of its contemporaries. This gives the songs an exceptionally strong rhythmic backbone. Combining hip-hop, reggae, rock and ska, the band isn't afraid to throw in some unexpected tricks, such as shredding guitars and a few Anthony Kiedes-like interludes. Although some of the songs go on a bit long, they rarely sound self-indulgent. No, instead they sound like a party, which is exactly what the band's live shows bust out. Drop by Jazzbones Saturday night for The Approach's CD release party with Vividal and Mighty High setting the tone - emphasis on "party."

THE APPROACH CD RELEASE PARTY, w/Vividal and Mighty High, 8 p.m., Jazzbones, 2803 Sixth Ave., Tacoma, $8, 253.396.9169

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