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Friday, June 20: Egg Plant

The New Frontier Lounge

Egg Plant / photo courtesy of Facebook

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Luke Short, the mind behind Egg Plant, is too laid back of a person to really make much of a thing about his Tacoma homecoming. It's been four years since I've written about Egg Plant, as the band had made its home in Portland shortly before then. While Short had made Tacoma his home, he went south to complete his music project. Also, in 2010, I interviewed The Thermals. Both bands are performing in Tacoma this weekend, four years since last we contacted, but Egg Plant's show carries with it a connection that The Thermals does not, regardless of their merit as a band.

Read Rev. Adam McKinney's full feature on Egg Plant in the Music & Culture section.

EGG PLANT, w/ Boy and Bean, People Under the Sun, Tyson Griffin, 9 p.m., Friday, June 20, The New Frontier Lounge, 301 E. 25th St., Tacoma, cover tba, 253.572.4020

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