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Friday, July 11: Wolves in the Throne Room

Capitol Theater

Wolves in the Throne Room / photo courtesy of Facebook

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Like a crow that is dark, intelligent and resourceful - schooling its children in the ways of life, so do Wolves in the Throne Room school their listeners in the ways of earthy black metal. Sometimes ambient, sometimes thunderous, always with radical environmentalism in mind, Wolves will remind you of the very roots and rock and flesh to which we all belong. An alpha and omega, if you will, of everything black metal, Scandinavian, doom and crust. They throw an amazing, angry and skilled respect to all things elemental through their use of voice, thrash and drums. This is the band's first stop on a mini-tour down the west coast celebrating the release of its new album, Celestite, on Artemisia Records. Like a murder of crows lifting from a tree, let the Wolves carry you into the darkness.

Capitol Theater, with Nommo Ogo, DA Terence, 9 p.m., 206 Fifth Ave. SE, Olympia, $10-$12, 360.754.6670

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