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Sunday, Nov. 23: Pampers



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Something tells me, despite their name, that Pampers aren't one bit concerned with comforting anyone. Coming from New York, Pampers bring a sonic onslaught that rarely, if ever, lets up. Listening to the art-punk band is something like trying to restrain a maniac on speed - there's just no getting out of there with cuts, bruises and hair getting ripped out of your head. It's all thrashing and wailing, with the occasional sonic oddity thrown into the mix to make everything just a little bit more disorienting. Pampers are signed to In the Red Records, which is currently at the vanguard of no-nonsense garage punk, so take that as a sign that going to a Pampers show is a take-no-prisoners situation. If you don't wake up the next day feeling like you got the shit kicked out of you, you're doing Pampers wrong.

PAMPERS, w/ OBN III's, Nudity, 8 p.m., Northern, 414 1/2 Legion Way, Olympia, cover tba,

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