Northwest Military Blogs: McChord Flightline Chatter

November 29, 2010 at 10:28am

Air Force looks to make cuts in chaplain force

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This from Air Force Times: The Air Force is pushing dozens of chaplains out the door at the same time it is urging airmen with personal struggles to get counseling, often provided by clergy.

By the end of this fiscal year, which ends Sept. 30, the Air Force will have no more than 480 active-duty chaplains - the total stands at 528 today - and the number could dip to 470, according to the Office of the Chief of Chaplains. A PowerPoint slide obtained by Air Force Times puts the number at 465.

The number of Air Force chaplain assistant positions will hold steady at 338, according to Beth Gosselin, a service spokeswoman.

Chaplains of all denominations will be involuntarily separated through a selective early retirement board and reduction-in-force process. Roman Catholic priests, in shortest supply across the military, are eligible to leave only through early retirement.

For more on the story, click here.

Filed under: U.S. Air Force

Comments for "Air Force looks to make cuts in chaplain force" (2)

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bren kryg said on Dec. 18, 2010 at 10:39am

In my observation, many USAF chaplains invent programs to justify their existence anyway. I think it is better to maintain one Catholic and one Protestant chaplain in each base. Many Protestant chaplains do not even do the Sunday service every Sunday. Get more reserve chaplains for war efforts and less active duty ones.

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Geoff Clark said on Feb. 06, 2011 at 7:01am

The confidential counseling chaplains provide is critical to troop welfare...most commanders I know wish they had more chaplains, not less.

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